Occuprint & OWS: Notes on Art as a Weapon for Non-Violent Insurrection

On the evening of February 16, a group of about 20 artists, designers, muralists, art historians and activists gathered at Interference Archive in Gowanus, Brooklyn, to discuss a selection of posters that have emerged out of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The event was organized by Occuprint—a collaborative project that curates, collects, prints and distributes various posters and […]

The Art of Insurrection: An #OWS Creative Roundup

At the heart of insurrection, beneath both good and ugly, is something eerily beautiful.  This beauty sits with the unbridled passion of the insurrectionaries.  With such passion creativity explodes …on canvasses, in printed materials, on film, scrawled on the walls of public places, etched across ad-spaces, or braided into songs.  The exponential growth of the […]